Methodology Core
The Methodology Core provides the contemporary data science infrastructure necessary for studies that leverage electronic medical records (EMR) and for clinical trials that collect patient reported outcomes. Activities are centered around the following themes:
- Rigorous and novel study designs
- Secondary use of EMR data for research
- Primary data collection and pragmatic clinical trial conduct
Examples of the services offered by the Methodology Core include:
- Refining research protocols and making necessary adjustments
- Designing forms for easy data entry and manipulation
- Supervising creation of project databases
- Ongoing monitoring of the accumulating data from all component projects for data quality
- Assisting with analytic plans and statistical analyses of results from each component
Methodology Core Leadership and Staff:
Director – Patrick J. Heagerty, PhD
Associate Director – Peter Tarczy-Hornoch MD, FACMI
Imaging Expert – Nathan Cross, MD
Co-Investigator – Michele Curatolo, MD, PhD
Biostatistician – Eric Meier, MS
CLEAR Center Methods Webinars
The UW CLEAR Center has launched a series of research statistical methods webinars. The webinar series focuses on key statistical topics that research investigators, journal editors, clinicians, and others encounter on a day-to-day basis as they develop and run research studies, review research manuscripts, and stay up-to-date on the latest research in their field. View archived webinars and see what topics are coming up below.
Assessing Quantitative Biomarkers
Date: October 26, 2020
Time: 9-10am Pacific Time (US)
View recorded webcast
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Developing Trustworthy Guidelines using the GRADE Approach
Date: October 21, 2019
Time: 9-10am Pacific Time (US)
Methods for Dealing with Confounding in Observational Studies: Instrumental Variables
Methods for Dealing with Confounding in Observational Studies: Propensity Score Matching
Date: February 1, 2019
Time: 11am-12pm Pacific Time (US)