We are pleased to inform that Dr. Laura Aaltonen’s article “m2ABQ—a proposed refinement of the modified algorithm-based qualitative classification of osteoporotic vertebral fractures” has been published online in Osteoporosis International. Please see the link for a full-text access to the paper: https://rdcu.be/cZb3v [rdcu.be]

Dr. Laura Aaltonen, MD, PhD, radiology fellow, is the lead author. Her research interests include artificial intelligence for radiological study protocoling. She has been working with the CLEAR Center Image Processing group (IPG) over the last couple of years to refine osteoporotic vertebral fracture classification methodology. The IPG is led by CLEAR center faculty Dr Nathan Cross, MD, MS, CIIP Neuroradiologist and Associate Medical Director of Informatics for the department of Radiology.