We are pleased to inform that Dr. Aaltonen’s article, “m2ABQ—a proposed refinement of the modified algorithm-based qualitative classification of osteoporotic vertebral fractures”, has been published online in Osteoporosis International. Please see the link for the full-text access to the paper: https://rdcu.be/cZb3v [rdcu.be]

Laura Aaltonen is a radiologist from Sweden , currently undergoing a cardiothoracic imaging fellowship at the University of Washington, Seattle. At the University of Washington, she has completed abdominal radiology and emergency radiology fellowships, as well as one year of nuclear medicine training. Before coming to the US, she worked as an attending radiologist ath Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Her doctoral thesis in 2018 was titled “Measuring distal airspace dimensions with nanoparticles”, where she studied a new nanoparticle inhalation –based method to evaluate distal airspace morphometry.